Registered Massage Therapy
Registered massage therapy is a traditional form of hands-on therapy. It can be an important part of rehabilitation, and whole-body relaxation and recovery. Registered Massage Therapists are experts in making people feel relaxed in their environment. Also, they specialize in working with individuals to ease tension and alleviate pain due to a variety of causes. A Registered Massage Therapist is very knowledgeable about muscular anatomy, the nervous system, connective tissue, the circulatory system and pain science. Therefore, they understand how all of these systems work individually, and how they are interconnected. A Registered Massage Therapist can work with you to better understand your pain, and provide skilled hands-on therapy to promote health and well-being.

In your initial visit, your massage therapist will conduct an assessment that will help you both better understand your therapeutic goals. Then, together, you will be able to design a structured care plan to meet your needs. This session allows you to get to know your therapist. Also, it gives your therapist a chance to understand your past experience, health history, and any relevant details about you that may be important for treatment. In follow-up treatments, you and your Registered Massage Therapist will work through your plan of care. Over time, you will progress towards your goals, adjusting treatments based on your adapting needs.
There are many different types of massage. Your therapist will guide you in determining what style of massage will best suit your needs and desires. They will also suggest if alternate care, such as physiotherapy, may be important to consider in your care plan. Conditions and secondary symptoms that massage therapy can help with include:
- Chronic Pain
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Rotator Cuff Pain
- Frozen Shoulder
- Increased Muscle Tension
- Lower Back Pain
- Neck and Shoulder Pain
- Headaches and Migraines
- Fibromyalgia
- Sciatica
- Sports Injuries
- Stress and Anxiety
- During Pregnancy (Prenatal Massage)
- After Pregnancy (Postnatal Massage)
- Swelling and Edema
- Lymphatic Disorders
- ITB Syndrome
- Hip and Leg Pain
- Foot and Ankle Pain
- General Aches and Pains